Staff Answer
Jun 17, 2022 - 02:30 PM
Mushiness is a classic sign of overwatering. Did it rain while it was outside? Do you live in a particularly humid area? Even that can have an effect on these plants.
Sunburn may also have been an issue. If it got full sun while outside that it wasn't acclimated to, that could also have done serious damage. The damage could have broken the skin of the plant and allowed a fungus inside of its leaves.
However, a few clear photos would really help us diagnose what happened. If you want, you can send some to, along with the below information, and we'll do our best to figure it out.
1) Growing conditions (full sun, part sun, filtered sun, indoors, outdoors, etc.)
2) Soil used for planting
3) Watering schedule
4) Does the container have a hole for drainage?
Sunburn may also have been an issue. If it got full sun while outside that it wasn't acclimated to, that could also have done serious damage. The damage could have broken the skin of the plant and allowed a fungus inside of its leaves.
However, a few clear photos would really help us diagnose what happened. If you want, you can send some to, along with the below information, and we'll do our best to figure it out.
1) Growing conditions (full sun, part sun, filtered sun, indoors, outdoors, etc.)
2) Soil used for planting
3) Watering schedule
4) Does the container have a hole for drainage?
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