Staff Answer
Mar 21, 2022 - 03:27 PM
Albuca spiralis is a winter grower that can go dormant during the summer months. During this time, it loses its upper foliage and regrows it in the fall. If it's grown indoors, this dormancy period can be avoided, but the plants can look less than stellar as a result. Cutting water in the summer months will allow the plant to go through this normal period of dormancy and let you "reset" the foliage so to speak.
A lack of light can also cause A. spiralis leaves to straighten out. A west facing window won't give it enough light, but the presence of a grow light should. How powerful is the grow light? How far away is it from your plants? From personal experience, grow lights have needed to be closer to my plants then I've thought. You can read our grow light recommendations at the link below.
An NPK ratio is a way in which fertilizers are described. It is the ratio of nitrogen (N) to phosphorous (P) to potassium (K) in a fertilizer. It's usually represented as three numbers separated by dashes. For example, a 3-3-3 fertilizer is three parts nitrogen to three parts phosphorous to three parts potassium. Succulents don't tend to need fertilizer but, if they do, it's recommended that you use a dilute, balanced fertilizer ("balanced" meaning the three numbers of the NPK ratio are equal to each other).
You can also send us a few clear photos of your plants via email ( and we can try to diagnose the issue. Be sure to include the following information.
1) Growing conditions (full sun, part sun, filtered sun, indoors, outdoors, etc.)
2) Soil used for planting
3) Watering schedule
4) Does the container have a hole for drainage?
A lack of light can also cause A. spiralis leaves to straighten out. A west facing window won't give it enough light, but the presence of a grow light should. How powerful is the grow light? How far away is it from your plants? From personal experience, grow lights have needed to be closer to my plants then I've thought. You can read our grow light recommendations at the link below.
An NPK ratio is a way in which fertilizers are described. It is the ratio of nitrogen (N) to phosphorous (P) to potassium (K) in a fertilizer. It's usually represented as three numbers separated by dashes. For example, a 3-3-3 fertilizer is three parts nitrogen to three parts phosphorous to three parts potassium. Succulents don't tend to need fertilizer but, if they do, it's recommended that you use a dilute, balanced fertilizer ("balanced" meaning the three numbers of the NPK ratio are equal to each other).
You can also send us a few clear photos of your plants via email ( and we can try to diagnose the issue. Be sure to include the following information.
1) Growing conditions (full sun, part sun, filtered sun, indoors, outdoors, etc.)
2) Soil used for planting
3) Watering schedule
4) Does the container have a hole for drainage?
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