Staff Answer
Aug 20, 2021 - 06:08 AM
The first two places my mind goes when I hear about succulents who's leaves have lightened in color are root rot and light issues. Fortunately though, I doubt root rot is the issue because the plant seems to be growing well! If its leaves start turning yellow and it starts losing leaves easily get back to me ASAP!
It could be an issue of needing more light. Lots of succulents darken their colors in response to increased light and, although string of turtles needs little light, an extra hour or two of light may help it get those classic string of turtles colors.
String of turtles actually likes a little bit more fertilizer than most succulents do and it could be fading due to a lack of nutrients. You'll want to use a lower nitrogen fertilizer (somewhere around a 5-10-10 NPK ratio) at a fairly low concentration. Just be safe, so as to not burn the leaves, only fertilize in the spring and summer months.
It could be an issue of needing more light. Lots of succulents darken their colors in response to increased light and, although string of turtles needs little light, an extra hour or two of light may help it get those classic string of turtles colors.
String of turtles actually likes a little bit more fertilizer than most succulents do and it could be fading due to a lack of nutrients. You'll want to use a lower nitrogen fertilizer (somewhere around a 5-10-10 NPK ratio) at a fairly low concentration. Just be safe, so as to not burn the leaves, only fertilize in the spring and summer months.
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