Staff Answer
Jun 04, 2021 - 06:29 AM
Good question!
I've included a link to our store's rare and unusual section on this post, that should give you some nice recommendations. However, I have some other recommendations as well.
Variegated succulents tend to be rarer and more popular than their non-variegated siblings. I'll put a link to our variegated and multicolor page here.
Although these types of succulents kind of freak me out, crested and monstrous plants tend to be popular. 'Ming Thing' is a good example of monstrous growth. We don't have any crested plants in stock right now, but we've had crested Aeonium 'Sunburst' in the past which is doubly rare because it's also variegated.
I've tried to keep this a little vague on purpose, in case my specific recommendations aren't in stock when you go to look at them but I hope this helps!
I've included a link to our store's rare and unusual section on this post, that should give you some nice recommendations. However, I have some other recommendations as well.
Variegated succulents tend to be rarer and more popular than their non-variegated siblings. I'll put a link to our variegated and multicolor page here.
Although these types of succulents kind of freak me out, crested and monstrous plants tend to be popular. 'Ming Thing' is a good example of monstrous growth. We don't have any crested plants in stock right now, but we've had crested Aeonium 'Sunburst' in the past which is doubly rare because it's also variegated.
I've tried to keep this a little vague on purpose, in case my specific recommendations aren't in stock when you go to look at them but I hope this helps!
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