I use bonsai jacks gritty on everything. I’m finding I have to water every other day and my plants are all drying
Is their something I could mix with jacks gritty soil and what is the ratio. I’m region 10 very dry
Open May 07, 2021 - 10:36 AM
Soil & Fertilizer
Staff Answer
May 07, 2021 - 10:36 AM
Bonsai Jack is SO gritty and SO well-draining. That's what makes it great for indoor succulents, but it can definitely dry out too fast outdoors in hot, dry climates. You'll want to add more organic matter to your soil to help it retain moisture longer, something like potting soil, bagged cactus & succulent soil (like Miracle Gro or Black Gold), or decomposed compost. Start at a 1:1 ratio with the Bonsai Jack mix. If it's still drying out too fast, add more organic matter.
Source: https://mountaincrestgardens.com/blog...
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