Answer Question
Summer care for a newly received Sizzle Frizzle?
Thank you for being awesome question answerers, BTW.
I received a lovely SF 6/10/2021. Today is 6/29/2021, and several leaves have browned/died. I assume it's just going dormant, but are you sure I should not water or repot till fall? I have not watered it yet because it was nearly summer when it arrived, and I have not repotted it yet based on your answer to a similar question. But the pamphlet that came with my succs says not to leave them in their nursery pots more than one month.
Thank you!
Thank you for being awesome question answerers, BTW.
I received a lovely SF 6/10/2021. Today is 6/29/2021, and several leaves have browned/died. I assume it's just going dormant, but are you sure I should not water or repot till fall? I have not watered it yet because it was nearly summer when it arrived, and I have not repotted it yet based on your answer to a similar question. But the pamphlet that came with my succs says not to leave them in their nursery pots more than one month.
Thank you!