Staff Answer
Aug 06, 2024 - 06:27 AM
Unfortunately, there are a few different issues that can cause a plant's leaves to yellow. One of those is overwatering to be sure! Check the stem, particularly near the soil line. If it's soft and feels rotten, then the issue is definitely overwatering.
However, an over abundance of sun stress, underwatering, and nutrient deficiency can also cause leaf tips to yellow. Photos may help here. You can send us a few via email ( and we'll do our best to diagnose the issue. If you send photos be sure to include the following information:
However, an over abundance of sun stress, underwatering, and nutrient deficiency can also cause leaf tips to yellow. Photos may help here. You can send us a few via email ( and we'll do our best to diagnose the issue. If you send photos be sure to include the following information:
- Growing conditions (full sun, part sun, filtered sun, indoors, outdoors, etc.)
- Soil used for planting
- Watering schedule
- Does the container have a hole for drainage?
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