Staff Answer
Jun 17, 2024 - 06:23 AM
Prepare your pot with appropriately gritty soil. Dig a small hole in the middle of the soil, large enough to place the entire root ball into. Then, simply place the root ball in the soil and bury it. If you find your plant falls over regularly, just dig a deeper hole. Be careful when handling Euphorbia, as their sap is a skin irritant. Gloves are recommended.
Euphorbia tirucalli likes a lot of sun and heat once it gets acclimated. For the first week after planting, be sure to give it some afternoon shade. After that week though, it's ready to handle full sun conditions. Water deeply, but only once the plant shows signs of thirst like wrinkles on the stem or branches. This will likely be once a week when it's hot, but less often in the cooler parts of the year.
Euphorbia tirucalli likes a lot of sun and heat once it gets acclimated. For the first week after planting, be sure to give it some afternoon shade. After that week though, it's ready to handle full sun conditions. Water deeply, but only once the plant shows signs of thirst like wrinkles on the stem or branches. This will likely be once a week when it's hot, but less often in the cooler parts of the year.
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