Staff Answer
Jan 26, 2023 - 07:09 AM
It does bloom. However, it takes years for a Hoya to be mature enough to bloom. After 5 years, or so, you can encourage your Hoya to bloom in three ways.
The first way is to give it plenty of light. It won't tolerate full sun well, but a period of direct sun couple with a full day of indirect light will encourage blooming. An east or west facing window would be ideal.
A period of drought will also encourage blooming. Be very careful with this technique because Hoya don't like drought, but a little drought can encourage it to bloom out of panic. In drought the plant rushes to create flowers to pass its genes on. Just allow the soil to go dry between waterings, for one or two waterings, and that will do. A hydrometer will help here.
Proper fertilization will also encourage this plant to bloom. Fertilize through the growing season with a dilute houseplant fertilizer.
The first way is to give it plenty of light. It won't tolerate full sun well, but a period of direct sun couple with a full day of indirect light will encourage blooming. An east or west facing window would be ideal.
A period of drought will also encourage blooming. Be very careful with this technique because Hoya don't like drought, but a little drought can encourage it to bloom out of panic. In drought the plant rushes to create flowers to pass its genes on. Just allow the soil to go dry between waterings, for one or two waterings, and that will do. A hydrometer will help here.
Proper fertilization will also encourage this plant to bloom. Fertilize through the growing season with a dilute houseplant fertilizer.
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