Staff Answer
Nov 02, 2022 - 01:16 PM
Wrinkled leaves are a common sign of a plant being underwatered. However, because you've watered it a couple of times in two weeks, it shouldn't be underwatered. A couple of questions could help clarify this.
1) How are you watering? Succulents prefer to be watered with a complete drench when they're thirsty. Be sure water is coming out of the drainage holes of the pot after you're done watering. Misting or lightly sprinkling just won't cut it.
2) What's your soil like? Senecio citriformis likes well draining soil, but your soil may drain too well. If you're watering well and your plant still shows signs of thirst, try repotting it into a soil with more water retention. You could mix normal potting soil into the soil it's in now to achieve this effect.
3) How is the stem doing, especially near the soil? It's one thing for the leaves to be wrinkly, but if your stem is squishy or translucent, that may be a sign of overwatering rather than underwatering.
You're welcome to send us photos of your plant. You can send them via email to If you do send us photos, be sure to include the following information in your email: Growing conditions (full sun, part sun, filtered sun, indoors, outdoors, etc.) Soil used for planting Watering schedule Does the container have a hole for drainage?
1) How are you watering? Succulents prefer to be watered with a complete drench when they're thirsty. Be sure water is coming out of the drainage holes of the pot after you're done watering. Misting or lightly sprinkling just won't cut it.
2) What's your soil like? Senecio citriformis likes well draining soil, but your soil may drain too well. If you're watering well and your plant still shows signs of thirst, try repotting it into a soil with more water retention. You could mix normal potting soil into the soil it's in now to achieve this effect.
3) How is the stem doing, especially near the soil? It's one thing for the leaves to be wrinkly, but if your stem is squishy or translucent, that may be a sign of overwatering rather than underwatering.
You're welcome to send us photos of your plant. You can send them via email to If you do send us photos, be sure to include the following information in your email: Growing conditions (full sun, part sun, filtered sun, indoors, outdoors, etc.) Soil used for planting Watering schedule Does the container have a hole for drainage?
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