Staff Answer
Oct 29, 2021 - 03:24 PM
There are a few different varieties of Sedum rubrotinctum like Sedum rubrotinctum 'Aurora', a variegated form, and Sedum 'Santa Barbra', a hybrid between S. rubrotinctum and Sedum pachyphyllum (probably). Unfortunately though, S. rubrotinctum is the one that gets the deepest green out of the varieties.
I can't recommend S. rubrotinctum if you want a deep green color, but I can recommend a look-a-like. That would be Sedum hernandezii. It has a similar shape to S. rubrotinctum and similar care needs but it has a more emerald color that you may like more.
I can't recommend S. rubrotinctum if you want a deep green color, but I can recommend a look-a-like. That would be Sedum hernandezii. It has a similar shape to S. rubrotinctum and similar care needs but it has a more emerald color that you may like more.
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